Any new drummer will need a plethora of drumming equipment and accessories to help them on their learning experience. While every person varies, the list below is a great starting point if you’re looking to buy a gift for any new drummer.
Drum sticks
It sounds obvious, but a drummer really cannot have enough drum sticks! All wooden drum sticks wear down, chip and eventually break, so every drummer should have at least 3 pairs in their stick bag. The last thing you want as a performing drummer is to lose a stick mid-performance.
There are many types of stick, so if you don’t know which size or style to go for, an all-rounder like a 5B wood tip should do the trick. Expect to pay between £5 – £15 depending on the brand and the shop.

Stick bag
If a drummer has lots of sticks, she/he will need somewhere to keep them. A stick bag typically hangs on the side of a drum stand or beneath your seat for a quick-grab when the time comes. Furthermore, it’s a good place to keep other accessories such as drum keys, earl plugs, or moon gel. A simple gift but an absolute essential accessory for any drummer. Expect to pay between £15 – £50 depending on the brand and the shop.

Moon gel
Moong gel is one of those things you need to see and hear to fully appreciate as a drummer. Stick a moon gel pad on your drum skin to dampen the sound and help minimise reverberation. This can help achieve a better ‘thud’ with your drums, but not always necessary when playing live with a mic-ed up kit. These pads attract dust and fluff like you would not believe, so keep them in a container before sticking on your skins! Expect to pay between £5-10 depending on the brand and the shop.